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National Apprenticeship Week - 10-16 February 2025

National Apprenticeship Week - 10-16 February 2025

National Apprenticeship Week (NAW) takes place from the 10 - 16 February 2025 and brings together businesses and apprentices to celebrate and shine a light on the positive impact that apprenticeships make to individuals, businesses and the wider economy.

If you’re considering an apprenticeship or know someone who is, this week there are many free events that give you a chance to connect, learn more, and dive into the world of apprenticeships.

The government website, has also announced the launch of the National Apprenticeship website and toolkit for both Employers and apprentices.

Are you paying and using the Apprenticeship Levy?

The apprenticeship levy is paid by large employers with a pay bill of over £3 million. Currently, only 2% of employers pay the levy, which is set at a rate of 0.5% of their total annual pay bill.

Every employer who pays the levy has a digital account where they can access their levy funds to spend on apprenticeship training.

While only the biggest businesses pay the levy, the funding generated by it also funds apprenticeship training for other employers who want to take on apprentices.

Smaller employers – those with a total annual pay bill of less than £3 million – pay just 5% of the cost of their apprenticeship training and the Government pays the rest.

So why not use the National Apprenticeship Week to find out more and make the most of all the resources available.
