3 Reasons Why You Shouldn’t Delay Changing Your Payroll Providers

Payroll is one of the most essential tasks that a company needs to perform. Hence, hiring an efficient payroll provider is an important investment. This investment is critical for the company's well-being, employee satisfaction, and adherence to the policies laid down by the HMRC.
A company outsources its payroll tasks to a third party for numerous reasons. One of which is ensuring that the task is performed efficiently and on time. However, if you are encountering a lot of errors in the process, it is time to switch to experienced managed payroll services with a good track record. The following article discusses why you shouldn’t delay changing your payroll providers. But before making a hasty decision, let us see when is the right time to switch your payroll providers.
Determining the Right Time To Switch Your Payroll Providers
If you are talking about timing, it is best to switch your payroll providers at the beginning of a tax year. This simplifies the transition process for you and your service provider. By choosing to change your provider during this time, you don’t have to worry about transferring documents and historical data to the new provider and can simply have a fresh start.
In addition, you can also choose to change your service provider at the beginning of a new financial year. This also ensures that you don’t have to carry the burden of the previous financial years.
Now that you know when to switch your payroll providers, let us look at the signs indicating you shouldn’t delay the process.
Signs That It Is Time To Make the Switch
1. They have an outdated payroll system
If your payroll provider is using an outdated payroll system, buckle up because there will be many errors. Continuous updates and security checks are required even with the best software to function optimally. So, if the payroll software hasn’t been updated in a while, there will be many errors and potential hacking threats.
Yes, you heard it right, hacking threats! The payroll system contains all the sensitive information about your employees, and even a small loophole must be taken seriously. Therefore, if your service providers are using an outdated payroll system and don’t intend to update it in the near future as well, it is time you reconsider your decision.
2. Poor Customer Service
Poor customer service is another reason to consider switching to a different payroll system. One of the most significant signs of a good payroll service provider is their ability to address problems and find solutions promptly.
So, when the payroll service provider doesn’t provide you with the right information or doesn’t have a proper platform for grievance redressal, you are going to face a lot of obstacles.
3. Too Many Payroll Errors
Incorrect inputting, missing payslips, and other payroll errors are signs that it is time to change your service providers. This issue, in the long run, can lead to significant losses and will upset your employees. Hence, if there are too many errors, consider making the switch as soon as possible.
If you are facing the problems mentioned above, you should switch to a new payroll service provider. Ignoring these issues and sticking to your old provider may sound convenient, but it may cost you a lot in the long run.
To make the switch easy, dhpayroll is here to help. Contact us today to learn more.